Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lizard Food

Jamaicans are afraid of lizards. I should say, most Jamaicans that I have met are afraid of lizards. My host family in Woodford left a lizard who got stuck in the kerosene lamp for an entire day before they decided to ask me to take it out. Then freaked out when I pushed it out with my hand. I was sitting on tha veranda,where I currently live, watching a lizard walk across a pile of magazines when my host sister went to grab one, freaked out and slammed the magazine in her hand down on it. Tiny guts everywhere. My host family won't let me leave my window open at night, I'm guessing because of the lizards and not the fear of someone breaking in. There is a gate surrounding the yard that is locked, 3 dogs, a light right outside my window, metal bars that cover the entire window and the window I want to leave open is slated. There is a chance someone could get through all that and grab stuff through the slats with a coat hanger, apparently that has happened to a pcv before, but my guess is that it's the lizards and mosquitoes that they are more worried about. Last night my door leading to the veranda got slammed shut and there was yelling. When my door opened again I went out to ask what happened. "There was a lizard" "You're not scared of lizards?" "She's not scared of them" If there was a giant kimodo dragon climbing on my wall I'd probably freak out a little. First, because how is it even staying on that wall and second because they look like baby dinosaurs. Actually, I'dbe more afraid of finding an ostrich on my wall. Seriously, have you seen one of those up close, behind a 2 foot wall that it could easily jump over? Anyway, back to the lizards. They are pretty lizards, anywhere from brown to bright green. They stop and do push ups and stick out their bright orange neck skin. Harmless lizards that just want to lay in the sun and eat bugs. I tell people people who are amazed by my attitude towards lizards (I do feel like hero when I shoo those little creatures away from someone, both for the screaming human and the lizard) that they eat the annoying mosquitoes and they are not going to bite you. Well they might if you try to catch one like I did when I was a kid and got the nickname "Lizard Food" for a while. I'm pretty sure that was a different kind of lizard though.
So anyway,don'tforget about me. Send me postcards and letters and I will return the favor : ) I will eventually figure out how to get letters here so it won't take forever to receive them.

1 comment:

  1. Hahhahaaa, lizard food. I love you so much sister. You are my hero!
